The Renewal Trust

This holiday season, we’re supporting a fantastic local charity - The Renewal Trust. They dedicate their work to children, young people, adults, and communities around Nottingham. By providing practical support such as helping people find the right job and helping the community thrive by funding passions and inspiring people to reach their potentials! During the lockdown period, The Renewal Trust teamed up with This Girl Can, provided Feel Good Packs to young women to support their mental health and wellbeing, encouraging them to stay active and connected during this challenging period. 

Ladies football

But that’s not all! Check out their website to discover more amazing things they do for the community. 

How Are We Supporting Them?

  • The Christmas period is a time that can be so trying for many and so with every purchase throughout December, we will donate a care package to The Renewal Trust.
  • We will also be gifting the This Girl Can ambassadors as a thank you for promoting girls being active and as further encouragement to maintain these healthy habits. 
  • A 15% discount will be offered to those who attend the This Girl Can celebration at The Nottingham Panthers. 

Our goal is to make a genuine difference. Local to us, this charity touched our hearts, so we believe it's important to give back and support this cause which stood out to us. 

None of this could be done without our amazing community! If you would like to help us make change, head over to our full skincare range and Kits & Sets to make a purchase and put a smile on someone's face this December.

Author: Lily Scales 

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